At present India’s GDP is $1.243 trillion or Rs 57.178 trillion (1 dollar= Rs 46) and we are the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world. According to economists, by 2020 we’ll be the frontrunners of growth. Complacency can be sensed here as we are satisfied with the current happenings as well as the forecast. But I think that by now we could have been the fastest growing economy. Why wait 2020?
India’s population is 115 crore. This means that in India we have 230 crore hands (leaving physically challenged aside) and each hands per capita is Rs 24,783 to the economy. Don’t you think this is less? I think it is.
9.5% of Indians are unemployed. But are they the only ones who negatively hit our economy? Well this article talks about those who doesn’t do any work (inspite being capable), those who wrongly use their power, those who should not be doing the work they are doing, those who doesn’t have work, those who doesn’t allow others to work and those who work but doesn’t add anything.
1. In Bharat (poor India) a farmer perseveres as he extracts the rich food from the soil. But impediment like drought forces him to sit idle because more than 60% of Indian farming depends on rainfall. If these unrewarded farmers are provided with irrigation facilities, technical know-how, training and credit from the GOI, we Indians will not only feed us but the whole world.
2. Government doesn’t create wealth but people do. Each and every Indian industry is operated by its labour force. But when they goes off work & strikes it affects the daily productivity and we loss crores of Rupees. Similarly, teacher are quintessential to school and colleges. But several hours of education goes unutilised when they sit on their notorious dharnas. In a nutshell, strike is detrimental to any country

4. Police is the busiest authority in India. You can never find policemen idle though actually they are. Police is never interested in writing down the FIR as a few FIRS reflects low crime rate which portrays the hard work of police. And if written then who is interested in solving the case? Or sometimes it’s better to fake the encounter than to play the chor-police game.
5. Considerable time of any proletariat Indian goes in commuting. The majority use public transport. Sadly, India’s public transport cannibalized with wheels and a speedometer up to 200km/hr is one of the sluggish. State owned buses don’t turn up and if they come they travel in pairs. It’s a trick they use. Private buses can’t afford its passengers to be on time. They don’t run unless there are enough commuters. The passenger trains in India are the worst example of punctuality. Even sometimes this character is also happily portrayed by our passenger airservices. Every second wasted cost our GDP
6. There is another service which takes 15 years to deliver. Average time consumed by our judiciary to decide a case is 15 years. So Indians prefer to be a victim than to be involved in court cases.
7. Sometimes, we are forced to sit idle. Power failure is ubiquitous in India. As power fails, every major activity comes to halt. Traffic jams, data loss, no entertainment, no rest/sleep, no production, no customer handling. People say “no power-----no water.” Infact many villages are still to be electrified and a few which are electrified enjoy very less number of electric hours. So Bharat have only sunlight hours to work.
8. The so called creative people in India believe that grass is always greener on the other side. They do creative work but don’t apply their creativity. They are our idle brains. Copying somebody’s music, lyrics or even film and saying we are inspired from it is a cushy number. A few uses a whole book as a script and then don’t even credit the writer. Even article and column writers keep pasting each others work in the journals. Some anxiously wait for foreign authors to write something so that they can also get inspired from it. Some only believes that life is an internet and follows Google for every question without pressurizing their 1.5 kg (containing 50–100 billion neurons) brain.
11. In every corner of our society, in each famous shop, at most of the thellas, factories etc. White Tigers of India are working as servants and cheap labour. At the age when their hands should be holding books and comics they do washing, cleaning, loading, sweeping, serving and begging. They are the future entrepreneurs, teachers, lawyers etc but if the situation prevails then one of them will be a local thief, one will join naxal, one with terrorist org. some will be unemployed and beggars and some will be drug addicts.
12. We have talked about idle hands, idle brain and now idle space. Materialism has impacted Indians profoundly. Everybody wants a personal car as a symbol of style statement. It hurts me to see that in the age of global warming most Indians prefer enjoying driving alone. No car pooling. Those empty seats if filled could have saved black gold and saved our lungs and our planet.
I don’t know that whether you’ll agree with me or not but I think our President’s hands have less to do. It’s a very debatable question that whether India’s PM is more powerful or President? Our President might be doing more work than our PM but don’t you think we listen more of PM. Our PM is more visible in news and is involved in almost all the decisions. What I’ve observed is that for everything we run to PM. Instead some of PM’s decision powers should be under President’s authority so the work is equally divided and decisions are taken speedily and considerably.
In this whole article I’ve tried to summaries the activities which add to non productivity, negative returns, decelerating growth and development though they might be numerous.
If everybody does the right work at the right time then we don’t have to wait for decades and miracles to be a superpower.
"The article was written at authors home"
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