Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the power of motivation!!!!!

When some 1 motivates you, you feel like conquering the world, hitting the world. You feel like chasing dreams and facing whatsoever comes. The heart becomes brave heart and you walk like gladiator. Nothing seems stoppable and nothing seems tougher.

Only one thing fly in the mind—“yes we can”. Those few words of motivation, so easy to speak, that positive smile which says “you have got talent” so rare to spot, that pat on the back and that jaddu ki jhappi so easy to give is so rare in this world.

You feel like giving up when suddenly they meet you, like a prophet’s farishta. Inquire you “what are you doing”??? You might or might not disclose but gives a little hint. They give you an expression of achievement and say proudly “keep going my son, do good to yourself “.

God knows but sun rises again in the bottom of your heart and you decide not to give up so easily and set on your marks. Those few words of happiness and encouragement keep roaming in your mind; while you chase your dreams and make them happen one night.

Why there are so few precious motivators and large rallies of demotivators??? Those few priceless motivators so rare to find like an extinct dinosaur or a dying roar of an endangered tiger.

Unknown to the fact that they are inspiring some 1 because of their happy-go-lucky nature they have given this world some of the biggest findings and discoveries. Who knows behind a bulb, behind a law of gravity, behind a search engine and behind a trip to moon there is a motivator who just motivated the researcher. Who knows??

The infinite power of motivation is immense. The motivator can be a teacher, a guru, a mother, a friend, a fictional character, an author or a stranger on the train.
Let’s seek motivation or give motivation to others and make this world a better place to live in!!!

Post Script: Sometimes you have to motivate yourself which is very tough. In such situations I watch movies which are biography of successful achievers. Try it!!!
"The article was written at authors home"

Feel free to Comment or rate the article!!!

Recommended Articles written by me:
"Eaters Comma"


Anonymous said...

Dis may not sound nice.... but well, the only reason i read ur article instantly was when i saw the title.... and the picture.... Wonderful choice....
u begin well... with the jaadu ki jhappi... but ur article is not like an article... u know it sounds like u r foreaxmple talking to me... trying to tell me the power ofmotivation, but it doesnt leave me motivated... u shud have peobably added hw u motivate, analogy or something. apart from the little postscript u added, which is something i thot was unique and liked... But the article is more poetic so doesnt motivate at the ordinary level... I dont know if i m able to put wat i m saying across..... but i still thot id say it... since i do follow wat u write... n wish u the best... n dont take it to the heart... i hope ull know i said it with good intentions...


Pankul said...

@ Sukanya: special thanks frm my side fr this deep evaluation and rave reviews. I would definitely try my best to meet yr expectations
yes it is nt an article and more of poetry. I just wrote it down instantly.

Anonymous said...

golden words pankul..wat i lyk bout ur blogs, is dat all r 'direct dil se.' specialy dis one. Very spontaneous.but nw u shud try to hold ur thoughts til da end. Give a intrestin start (u alwayz do),hold ur idea ven u form da body..with sum twists n turns cum to its end. U r already gud n mo practice wil mek u bettr.nw u shud increase word limit. Also u cn tek mo serious topics.i lyk ur style of playin wid words..mek it sharper.u r doin wel.keep it up :)

abhinav sabyasachi

Pankul said...

hey hey.....u have gvn me some more hope...though i m already abound with it.......thank actually pin pointing "the dil se" part bec they r all spontaneous......thanks fr the suggestion

I must tell u that in the past I have written on very serious topics like "women exploitation"....."poor judicairy"......."lazy babus" of india...people used to say that i m writing very good but its a blog so write smthng new nt things which r there in the i wrote stuffs like "suicide note"....."eaters comma".....the lady i loved and etc I also embrace yr suggestion........

thank u once again!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

good work.. keep it up dude! :) :)

deepa kashyap said...

your post reminds me of that song

"deep in my heart..
i do believe ..
we shall overcome someday :D :D"

nice choice of image for the post but we can expect some more wonderful words by you !!
keep writing :)

Pankul said...

@ deepa: well yes the photo selection was done judiciously. Currently poetry is over with me and next will be articles with more no. of words.

@ Anonymous: thanks fr the comment. Please do write yr name next time!!!!